
发布时间: 2015-10-26 15:58:37 来源: 中国义乌网 作者: 沈颖洁


  中国义乌网10月26日讯(记者 沈颖洁)10月25日,以“经济新常态,浙商新机遇”为主题的第三届世界浙商大会在杭州隆重开幕,海内外浙商代表汇聚一堂,共叙桑梓之情,畅谈发展大计。

  The 3rd Word Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention was held on October 25 in Hangzhou.With the theme of “China's new normal brings new opportunity to Zhejiang entrepreneurs”,the event brought together high level zhejiang entrepreneurs from home and abroad who shared their friendship of fellow countrymen and their insights on China's economic development.


  Chen Qingwen,as the president of yiwu fashionable and creative industry association,as well as the president of Canada international chamber of commerce,it was his third time to show up on the convention .On October 24,he was selected to be the council member of Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce.

编辑: 黄优鑫
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