Mitch Altman:Do what you like,Creat what you think

发布时间: 2015-10-22 20:15:51 来源: 中国义乌网 作者: 沈颖洁

  Mitch Altman (born December 22, 1956) is a San Francisco-based hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone, as featured speaker at hacker conferences, as international expert on the hackerspace movement, and for teaching introductory electronics workshops. He is also Chief Scientist and CEO of Cornfield Electronics.

  October 21st,Mitch Altman have come to Yiwu to share his experience with new hackers.


  Q1 Do you have any recommendation for the Ecommerce in China?


  China ecommerce is bigger than probably anywhere,like alibaba is huge ,and wechat always has amazing features that we don’t have in South America or in Europe ,so in this area china is running ahead of world,and you even get anything from that.


  It is really interesting that chinese government is doing a kind of surport of people running companies.I think one thing can be very helpful in this is the government continue having interests in importing more and more creative learning environments in schools 、universities,and also in companies .These environments are for people looking for more things so that they make them different from before. Having these environments of community where people encourage each other to try new things ,new ideas will arise.


  Upon to now china has been fantastic at making western products better and cheaper,but we have 1.4billion people in china,it will be fantastic if people here were exploring and creating products and services that were new and uniq.This is a fantastic opportunity for amazing things to come from china.


  what do you think of the young Hackers?


  It is fantastic that young people come up with pretty interesting ideas.Something today is unique for China and that really excited me.

  Wherever I go I like to see people who are creating products and services that are personally motivated by them.

  Because when people are doing something that personally motivated from what they are excited about and passionate about,their life experience will bring them to creat something unique.



  They are part of environments that cause them to see that a problem that need to be solved,and that means there are probably many people that also experience that problem ,and that means there are probably a lot of people are willing to pay to solve that.So I like to see more that could happen here.


  Do you have any advise for the beginners?


  There is so much that anyone starts a compay is not going be good at.It's really important that you are doing something that you are trully believe in rather than that just someway to make money.Because when things are not going well you will get disappointed , and it will be more difficult to continue.But if you are doing something that you are excited about,you will learn when you need to learn to keep going and you will look for resourses that you need to keep going.


  I have been in China for many years,so much what i have seen in china are people start with the motivation of I wanna start a compay to make money. There is nothing wrong with that,but I think that kind of background can be much more successful if people explore ideas and come up with something like i said which is exciting to them.


  The mosts i see in china is people taking a western product services and just change a little bit,like changing yellow and blue instead of coming up with their own unique ideas.People can make money that way,we need money for living our lives ,but we need people to come up with ideas that make an inpact on the world.


编辑: 何冬圆
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