中国义乌网10月23日讯(记者 沈颖洁)作为本届义博会的重要配套活动,“国际设计师(创意产品)联合秀场发布”,“时尚艺术生活跨界集合静态展暨国际设计师未来产品开发交流会”等2016s/s-中国义乌站的“新思路起点,IN时尚之都”系列活动受到了各界的关注。此次的中欧时尚月为“义乌制造—义乌设计”的品牌企业转型起到了引导作用,也为义博会格调和义乌品牌起到了提升作用。
今天下午,来自VDS SHOWROOM的优秀国际设计师们向我们解答了他们在时尚设计上的看法。
Nicola Paccagnella,marketing director of Carmina Campus
nicola paccagnella,Carmina Campus品牌的市场总监
Q:what`s the relationship between brand and market?
I think the relationship between brand and market is completed different in these years,because everything is changing,and it`s changing very fast.The designers need to pay a lot of attention to the market to improve the brand,also the brand needs a lot of attention not from the designers but from the guests I think the designer need to work a lot for the market
stephan hamel,international design consultant.
stephan hamel,国际设计专家顾问
Q:what do you think of the transform from “made in China” to “designed in China”
i`m very glad to be here today in`s a beautiful occasion to experience more about China. I think China is developing very quickly and "designed in china" will be much stronger than "made in china" very soon .Because the designers are making more international statements .We have important names like Vera Wong, and others that are really appreciated all over the world. So i think in the future ,Chinese designers will have much better position on the market, and if it is made in China or made in Italy will not be so important, the importance will be the culture which is behind the design.People are living much more with the culture not only the brand or symbol or something else.
Massimo Mazilli,Initiator and designer of Mario Pini
Massimo Mazilli,mario pini品牌的创始人和设计师
Q:what`s the spirits of your design
I start my spirit in official work by designing the jewelry. Because my family work jewelry from three generations .For me, the most important thing is the details of the design. I use the same spirit in my shoes.My shoes are really comfortable and really soft,they are all made by Italian. For me it`s too much important not only the design but the comfort and the quality of the product。