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Yiwu will accelerate the transformation of professional buyers, contrarian growth of 9.5%

义博会加速转型 专业采购商逆势增长9.5%

发布时间: 2015-10-26 18:31:47 来源: 中国网 作者:



  中国网10月25日讯 第21届义博会已于今日正式闭幕,本届展会实现成交额171.73亿元,同比增长0.58%。

  China Network October 25th hearing the twenty-first justice fair has been officially concluded today, the exhibition to achieve turnover of 17173000000 yuan, an increase of 0.58%.


  It is reported that this fair will be a total of 4500 international standard booths, 2529 exhibitors from both inside and outside the environment. Total number of visitors, buyers 213580. Scene 62099 professional buyers, contrarian growth of 9.5% over the same period last year. One of the domestic professional buyers 53782 people, an increase of 12.61%; overseas professional buyers 8317 people, down 6.98%. The number of overseas customers to the top five countries and regions are: India, South Korea, Pakistan, Iraq, egypt. Fair trade fair and the linkage of the Canton Fair is increasingly close, the fair during the Expo from the Canton Fair merchants increased by 23.52%.


  The 21st session of Yiwu will Sourcing Fair held 9 field procurement docking activities, attracted domestic and foreign buyers 198, direct matching suppliers 1389, intent turnover amounted to 8709.4_wan million yuan.

  在新常态下,义博会转型加速,时尚、设计、互联网+等创新元素深度融入展会,风向标作用十分突出。展会设立了创新设计展区、互联网+跨境电商/微商展区、贸易服务展区等创新板块。据统计,上述创新展区达成各类意向2000余项。展会同期,还以时尚、设计、互联网+为主题,举办了中欧时尚月义乌站活动、中韩创新设计高峰论坛、互联网+跨境综合服务生态峰会、2016微商生态构建与展望峰会、2015/2016中国小商品城流行趋势发布会等三大系列20余项配套活动,极大地提升了展会影响力。(记者:李斌报道 王凯伦/译)

  Under the new normal, the fair will be in transition to accelerate, fashion, design, Internet + and other innovative elements of the depth of integration into the exhibition, the wind vane is very prominent. Exhibition set up a creative design exhibition, Internet + cross-border electricity suppliers / micro business area, trade services and other innovative plate. According to statistics, the exhibition reached more than 2000 kinds of innovation intention. During the exhibition, to fashion, design, Internet + "as the theme, organized a central European fashion month Yiwu station, South Korea innovation design forum, integrated services Internet + cross-border ecological summit 2016 micro business ecological construction and outlook summit, in 2015 / 16 China Commodity City popular trend potential conference and other three series of more than 20 items supporting activities, greatly enhance the influence of the exhibition. (Reporter: Bin Li Kai Lun Wang/Translate)

编辑: 黄优鑫
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