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发布时间: 2016-11-10 11:36:59 来源: 中国义乌网 作者:




  Abdul Ahad Wahid

  Acting Mayor, the City of Kabul, Afghanistan

  Wahid Abdul Ahad went out of Afghanistan in 1990 and worked as par-time design architect in few architectural private offices while residing as a refugee with his family in India. He worked as the design architect, chief coordinator and supervision officer of the Al-Wajbah complex for the Amir of Qatar. He returned to Afghanistan in 2002, served as the adviser to Minister of the Rural Rehabilitation H.E, the adviser to the Minister of Urban Development as well as the team leader of the KURP project from 2005-2008. Since 2008 he has been appointed as the technical deputy mayor of Kabul and the acting Mayor of Kabul since January 2015.

编辑: 祝璐
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