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发布时间: 2016-11-10 11:36:58 来源: 中国义乌网 作者:




  Vinod Kumar Agarwal

  Mayor of Moradabad Municipal Corporation, India

  Mr. Vinod Kumar Agarwal is Mayor of Municipal Corporation, Moradabad.He is a elected first citizen of the city. Moradabad is about 155 K.m. from Delhi and very well known all over the world about its production of metal crafts.More than 60% of the population of the city is connected with the production and exports of handicrafts of metal, glass, wood and bone & horn items.This is about 250 years old city and growing very fast. The city has many challenges related to its expansion, trade and other infrastructure issues. Mr. Vinod Kumar Agarwal is the key person and being the Mayor of the city is instrumental in taking up all the issues to its logical conclusion.

编辑: 祝璐
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