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发布时间: 2016-11-10 11:36:58 来源: 中国义乌网 作者:




  Aigul Kosherbayeva

  Professor at the State Management Academy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  Aigul Kosherbayeva was born on May 5, 1968 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.She studied in the department of philosophy and economics at Kazakh State University from 1985 to 1990 and furthered her postgraduate studies in the same university from 1991 to 1994. In 1998, she moved to the position of associated professor of the International Economic Relations Chief at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology.In 2001, she became a head of World Marker Research Center of the Economic Research Institute. She was a head of Regional Development and Competition Research Center at Economic Research Institute. Presently, she is professor at the State Management Academy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

编辑: 祝璐
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