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发布时间: 2017-04-11 23:06:21 来源: 中国义乌网 作者: 刘羽生

  中国义乌网4月11日讯(记者 刘羽生)UPS中国2015年7月进驻义乌市场,参加了今天(4月11日)开幕的2017中国国际电子商务博览会。今天下午,中国义乌网邀请到了UPS中国区市场部总监林伟江做客电商博览会全媒体中心,一起分享UPS中国如何助力义乌商户拓展全球贸易以致胜全球。


  Q1: Hi, Mr. Lin. Welcome to the Media Center of this Expo. So, would you please briefly introduce yourself and your company?


  A1: Thank you very much, Vincent. My name is Arthur Lam, UPS China marketing director. Thank you very much for allowing me some time to talk to you guys. So, I’m the marketing director here in UPS China and UPS has been in China since 1988. We are 29 or could be 30 years in China. So I’ll talk a little about the company. We are approaching 110 years worldwide in total its establishment. So we started in 1907 in US and we are expanding around the world. And as I mentioned, we’ve been in China for almost 30 years now.

  答1:谢谢。我是Arthur Lam, UPS中国区市场部总监,非常感谢能有这次沟通的机会。UPS自1988年进入中国市场,已经有近30年。接下来我们稍微谈谈UPS,UPS自1907年在美国成立始,已有近110年历史,并且目前我们仍在全球扩展业务。就如我所言,UPS中国马上就要走过30年了。

  Q2: Is this the first time that you come to Yiwu?


  A2: Yes, exactly yes. Yesterday we arrived here, Yiwu. Yes, this is my first time.


  Q3: So, what do you think of the city?


  A3: I think the city is very energetic and very young. We got a chance to tour the market place, walking on different floors, looking at the different commodities. We’ve heard a lot about, when people talking about Yiwu, even the UN, the World Bank that Yiwu is the largest market in the world. I think this experience is very exciting to me.


  Q4: And what about the Expo? Have you ever come to the Expo before or this is also the first time?


  A4: Well, this is the first time for myself and UPS to be represented in this Expo. And UPS we actually established our own branding here in the city in July, 2015. So we are relatively young and we may got to serving the market and improve the service in Yiwu, but it’s also looking at the people in this Expo, they are also very young and energetic. So our team is really excited to be here and to see how we can help the local retailers and the E-commerce people to explore the rest of the world.


  Q5: Well, you know, most companies here in Yiwu they are small or medium sized companies. Do you, your company, have any strategies or policies towards this kind of companies?


  A5: Yes, there are a lot of small and medium sized companies that you mentioned. Our strategy, the UPS, is really to provide consultant services to our customers. It’s really to help them to understand the market better and let our global network, our global experience to actually help them to succeed in selling to the world. In fact, just here right now, we are conducting some seminars and to teach them about, and to explain to them about some of surveys, studies and reports that we have conducted in the last several years. We have done some online surveys and also behavior reports, that we believe by educating our customers, they would get a better understanding of some of the their customers’ behavior and how do they change the marketing strategy and the way they approach the market, to help expand and continue to grow.


  Q6: OK, the last question will be what’s your expectation of this Expo?


  A6: The expectation of this Expo, I think the expectation is we’ll be able to reach more customers in Yiwu. As I mentioned, we’re only being here less than 2 years, but I think a lot of people have known UPS, but only starting in the last two years, they are able to access to the UPS services and leverage the full power of our global network, our technology and so forth, the way that UPS services intended to be. So, our expectation is really to educate the market here, what type of service we are available, what type of new and exciting thing we have. For example, a couple of weeks ago, we launched a new service---a rail service, continue to expand our service on rail freight from China to Europe and back. So we have added four new stations in Changsha, Chongqing, Suzhou and Wuhan, adding to our existing stations Zhengzhou and Chengdu. So these gateways, these stations will really help in regards to lowering costs for our customers if they are currently using air freight. You can actually save around 65% in regards of cost but also at the same time improving your time in transit of delivery by 40% than ocean freight. So those are new and exciting services we have and we want to introduce to the market here and Suzhou is not far away from Yiwu and Yiwu sellers can make full use of this service if it’s applicable to them.


编辑: 黄优鑫
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